Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How to Create Efficient Closet Space

If you're like most people, the closet is the biggest challenge when it comes to staying organized. The closet can be so frustrating, especially if you are limited on space. Use these expert tips for getting your closet organized, developing efficient ways to save space, and getting your closet to where you can keep it organized.

1) Get rid of the excess! This can actually be the hardest step. Our clothes remind us of people, events, or times in our lives. It's hard to let go of the memories and part with the pieces of our wardrobe that harbor them. But, there is a solution. If you're having trouble getting rid of clothing because of sentimental value, take photos. You can create an album that you keep in your closet. You can even cut a piece of material, save a ribbon, or decorate the page with the buttons from the article of clothing. This album will take up a fraction of the space and the memory of the clothing will be preserved.

2) Your goal should be to plan a space for everything. Belts should be on a belt rack or belt hanger. Ties should be rolled neatly in a shallow drawer, hung on the wall or on a tie hanger. Even scarves and stockings can be hung on a scarf hanger, which is a wooden hanger with smoothly bored holes that won't snag delicate fabrics.

3) Separate items into different containers. Don't put all of your small items in one drawer unless you have a drawer organizer. This just junks up the little space that you have. Everything gets mixed up, buried underneath each other, and becomes unusable. Utilize buckets, bins, baskets, dividers, whatever you need to make a place for each thing. Buckets are great for socks, underwear, pajamas, and more. Most people can find a foot of space to build or install a cubby system to hold all of these buckets and baskets, keeping their closet organized.

4) Utilize door space by purchasing an over-the-door organizer that helps you tackle problem articles. For most people, it's shoes. But for you, it may be hats that are the problem, hair accessories, or other small items that take up space in the closet.

5) Make use of space saving hangers. Many specialty hangers will allow you to hang multiple items on one hanger. Sometimes these are called cascading hangers, or you can buy cascading hooks to add to your space saving hangers. Retailers use this trick all the time and it is equally as effective in your home. You can double the space in your closet instantly. Other space saving hangers are velvet hangers with a flat design. They grip clothes, fit very closely together, are super thin, but are very strong and attractive. Long gone are the days when we have to use wire hangers to save space.

Autor: Ricky Miller

About the Author: Rick Miller is on the staff of Only Slimline Hangers, a leading online resource for velvet hangers which are space saving hangers, non slip hangers and slim line hangers.

Added: February 10, 2010