Even the most astute home owner knows the pain of having an unclean carpet. It seems that no amount of vacuuming, cleaning supplies, and attention can keep the inevitable environmental factors from spilling out, so to speak, and ruining the care and attention that you had paid to keeping your carpet clean.
One might say that it is the curse of the attentive home owner that their efforts will forever be taken for granted by the other members of the house (be they children, spouses, or pets) who rely on the homeowners attentiveness and care whilst causing the very problems that cause for care and attention.
It is almost a banality to suggest that in a dirty, and unkempt house, all individuals are equally responsible for the mess, but in a clean house, the spotlessness and d�cor is almost always the result of a single individual. You need not throw up your hands in despair, however, so long as you follow these tips for correcting the carpet behavior of your family members and pets.
The first obstacle you need to overcome is to get your family members and pets to realize that the carpet exists and that its upkeep matters. We will lump the behavior of family members and pets together here not to demean either group, but because the lack of consciousness in both is analogous to one another.
Simply put, for the uninitiated, the care and concern of a carpet is not something that even occurs. It is your job to get your family members and pets to realize that they cannot eat over a carpet without a plate or a napkin cannot roll around on the floor any time they please, and cannot treat you as their personal maid.
The second obstacle you need to overcome is to engrain in your family members a sense of routine with regards to carpet cleaning. For both family members and pets, this means positive reinforcement through compliments and understanding when they model the correct behavior.
Of course, for pets the correct behavior will be drastically different, but the basic principle remains that both groups need to be commended when they have are treating you and the carpets with the right level of respect.
If all else fails, you can institute a system wherein the offending members of the family are forced to pay for a carpet cleaning service. This measure will hopefully not be necessary, but you should never feel that you are in a position where you are required to clean up after your family members or pets.
Autor: Budda Oliver
Mr. Oliver is a marketing agent of Absolute Carpet Care. The carpet cleaning company provides carpet cleaning services throughout the Northern Virginia and Washington DC areas. For more information on their Carpet Cleaning Services please visit their website.
Added: December 3, 2008
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/
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