Monday, December 15, 2008

Electrolysis - The Scientific Rust Treatment

The use of rust removal products is just one way of rust treatments. Apart from it there are two other known rust removal means. The first one is manual wiping and scrubbing and the other one is a rather scientific process called electrolysis - to which this article will be concentrated.

In the simplest sense, electrolysis is a rust removal technique that uses electricity and sodium bicarbonate or laundry soda in its process. Same with organic or natural rust removers, it is safe to human health and the environment. Not to mention, it is also very effective and inexpensive.

Before going into the process detail, it will be helpful to know first the required materials and tools. Basically, what you will need to start are water, laundry or washing soda which is also known as sodium carbonate, battery charger, iron steel electrode and plastic container or tub.

And for safer execution of electrolysis, you need to remember that the cleaning solution can irritate your skin and eyes so better wear gloves and eye protector when working. Also make sure that you place the battery charger in a safe distance away from the solution and to work in a well-ventilated area to avoid any accidents.

Now, for the process of how to execute rust removal through electrolysis, here are the steps.

Step 1 - Prepare the cleaning solution. Make a mixture of 1 tablespoon laundry soda and a gallon of water. Stir the solution to ensure that the laundry soda is dissolved.

Step 2 - Clean the iron steel electrode. Make it clean enough to get a good electrical contact.

Step 3 - Attach the positive lead of your battery charger to the iron steel electrode.

Step 4 - Put the iron steel electrode in the cleaning solution. However, make sure that the battery lead clamp is not submerged. It will be eaten if it is.

Step 5 - Attach the negative lead of your battery charger to the item you will be treating. Then put it on the cleaning solution. Don't mind if the battery lead clamp is submerged, it won't be eaten. Ensure that your item and the iron steel electrode are not in contact to avoid short circuit. A gap of several inches between the two will work just fine.

Step 6 - Turn on your battery charger. If you are using a 6/12 charger, set it to 6 volt setting. However, if you are using a different charger and the current is too high, try to increase the distance between your rusted item and the iron steel electrode or add more water to the solution.

Step 7 - Wait until the item or the rusted part of it is completely treated. For severe rust, you may need to leave the item soaked overnight. Rotate or move the item you're treating for better and even rust treatment. Cleaning works best on the part that is in direct view of the iron steel electrode. At some point you may also need to take the item out of the solution to remove some of the loose scale rust using a wire brush.

Step 8 - After the process, make sure that your item is kept dry to prevent the re-formation of rust. You can also put some rust inhibitor, wax, paint or oil coating for rust prevention.

Though electrolysis sounds very scientific and complicated, it is actually just a simple rust removal process. If you are into a tight budget, but still in need of very effective rust remover, you can try implementing it. With sufficient knowledge and safety precautions observed, it can be a very good alternative to commercially available rust removers.

Autor: Markus Skupeika Markus Skupeika
Level: Platinum
The Leading expert on search engine optimization who is educating clients through SEO Training and using extreme online search engine optimization services to help other ... ...

In rust treatment, the use of rust removal products is an effective means. However, choose organic rust removers or try electrolysis for a safer yet effective and inexpensive process.

Added: December 15, 2008

1 Comment:

Stonera systems said...

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Rust removers