Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cleaning the Bathroom to Get a Spotless Shine

Bathrooms can often be one of the most challenging rooms in a household to keep clean. It's without a doubt because of this, why regular care and maintenance is often suggested by experts. It's best therefore to know how to clean the bathroom to prevent one's self from having to clean it when it get's extremely dirty - and we really don't want to do that! The more we keep up on our bathroom the less of a chance it has to get dirty, and the faster we can get on with our day.

Before we begin cleaning it's best to have all of the cleaning materials we will need on hand, and ready to go. You can do this by purchasing a Carry-All Bin to store all of the cleaning supplies that you use to clean the bathroom. Just this step alone saves you a great deal of time you would otherwise be spending, treading the house looking for the right cleaning supplies. Pull out your bin and your ready to go - dirt, grime, and lime scale don't stand a chance! What you carry inside your bin will be up to you, but the most common cleaning items to have are:

Rubber Gloves
Abrasive Sponges
Cleaning Cloths/ Dust Rags
Paper Towels
Floor Cleaner
Wet Mop w/fabric Strings/ Wet Sponge Mop
Commercial Window Cleaner
All-Purpose Cleaner
Powdered/Liquid Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Abrasive/non-abrasive cleaner

Once you are prepped with your cleaning supplies the next thing you want to make sure you do is to prep the bathroom. Remove any items that are cluttering the counter tops, any clothes or towels that are hanging around, and any clothes baskets you may have. Any items that are on top of your toilet tank need to go, as well as any rugs that might be on the floor. We want to reduce the bathroom to its bare minimum for efficient cleaning. Once everything has been removed, it's time to start cleaning.

Once the bathroom has been prepped, I often suggest to anyone who asks me where to start, to start at the areas that you would least like to clean. Why do it this way? When cleaning areas we don't like to clean, whether it is difficult or not, we often times make it more difficult than it really is because of the sheer fact we hate cleaning it. Getting the difficult parts done and over with leaves only the more preferable ones left and allows us to get the bathroom done faster.

I personally start with the bathtub first because of the amount of dirt that is gathered, soap scum, and mildew buildup. To give the tub a thorough clean I first apply a non-abrasive cleaner (your type of cleaner will depend on your type of tub. Mildly-Abrasive for Enamel, Non-Abrasive for acrylic and fiberglass) to my tub. I then let the cleaner sit for a small amount of time to make sure it really soaks in. Next, take either a sponge or cleaning cloth and give the tub a thorough scrub down making sure to get all creases and cracks, the walls, around the drain, the faucet, and anywhere that grime is building up. When the tub has been cleaned and sanitized, rinse it out with buckets of warm water. The warm water helps to break up any of the dirt particles that might be holding on for dear life. Repeat the rinse until it is clean enough to your liking and move on to the next area.

Next in line we will take care of the toilet. The exterior toilet bowl is pretty easy to clean, and often only requires a thorough scrub down with an all-purpose cleaner. The toilet tank, seat, and outer rim can be cleaned this way. Next we want to clean the interior toilet bowl and this will require a heavier cleaning agent like a powdered or liquid toilet cleaner. Powder the toilet, or spray your liquid cleaner and let it sit for a little while to let the cleaner soak in. Next, use a toilet bowl brush to scrub the bowl down thoroughly and make sure to get under the rim as well. Flush the toilet when finished. A little tip I recommended is to add a flush-release cleaning product in the bowl of the toilet so that it cleans itself after every flush.

After the toilet and bathtub has been cleaned let's move onto the sink and faucets. The sink and faucet's can easily be taken care of by applying an all purpose cleaner to the interior sink, faucet, and water control knobs. Wipe the sink down with a sponge, and paper towels for the faucet and knobs. If the sink needs a bit more of a thorough clean use a powdered cleaner like Ajax and scrub with an abrasive scrubber.

After the sink we'll clean the mirrors. Mirrors are probably the easiest part of any bathroom and require little work for a nice clean streak free shine. For mirrors you can use any commercial window cleaner and a microfiber cloth, washing them from top to bottom in small circular motions. If you'd prefer an alternative solution, white distilled vinegar mixed with a half solution of water has often been recommended by professionals. Make sure to always apply your cleaner to your cleaning cloth first before wiping down the mirror. If you apply the cleaner directly to the mirror it can cause black edge, and seep through and damage the backing of the mirror.

The last area that needs to be covered is the floor. Depending on your type of flooring you may need a specific type of cleaner. Any department store that sells home cleaning products will have what you need. Be sure to ask a store clerk for assistance and they will gladly help you with the proper product to use for your floor. The next step of course is to mop the flooring using either a fabric bristle mop, or a sponge mop for a bit more of a thorough clean. When you have cleaned the floor let the bathroom sit for a small period of time to dry out. Make sure to have the room properly ventilated by opening a window or turning on the bathroom fan. Return any items that needed to be removed back in their appropriate places, and dump any trash that you may have left over.

Autor: Debra Leanne Marks Debra Leanne Marks
Level: Basic PLUS
Debra Marks is a house cleaning expert & author. She lives in California with her family where she spends her time teaching others how to ... ...

Debra Marks is a House Cleaning enthusiast and author. For more information on how to clean the bathroom, you can visit a website dedicated to providing quality information on house cleaning.

Added: May 14, 2009