Friday, February 5, 2010

How to Clean and Care For a Mattress

If you can only visibly see the horrors lurking in your mattress, you will probably feel repulsed enough not to sleep on it ever again. But since we normally don't, we are led to believe that our mattress is as clean as the day we purchased it.

There are actually mattresses that are not prone to the development of molds, mildew, bacteria and all types of allergens. However, if you are not using latex mattress, your mattress is probably breeding these micro organisms by now.

Method 1: Ever after 6 months, you should sanitize your bed. Take advantage of a warm and sunny day and drag your bed outside so the sun can fry up the micro organisms breeding in it. A warm day can also reduce any mattress smell. If you want to make sure that you are really getting rid of unwanted creatures, you can try mixing one cup of lemon juice and then one cup of water, place it in a spray bottle and spray both sides of the mattress. Afterwards, leave it in a nice sunny place to dry.

Method 2: If it has stains on it, you might want to remove it. For ordinary stains, you can always use w mixture of one cup of vinegar and one cup of water and apply it on the stained area. Leave it there for about an hour or so. Wipe the stained area with damp towel until the stains come off. If the stains are blood or dye, you can put a bit of hydrogen peroxide and then sprinkle table salt on top of it to somehow extract the color and make it appear on the surface. This way, you can wipe it off easily.

Method 3: Flip the mattress or rotate it twice a year. I know there are a lot of mattress brands that have no-flip features but it will still help your bed if it wears out evenly. Plus, there is nothing wrong with flipping it over. This will ensure that one side does not sag.

Method 4: Purchase protective covers. A mattress protector is a kind of plastic cover with zipper that can protect the mattress from liquid spillage. You might also want to purchase toppers as this will lessen wears and tears on your primary bed.

These methods can ensure that the life of your mattress is prolonged. These sleep gears do not come cheap so it is better to keep them in top shape for as long as you can.

Autor: Zach Smith

For more millbrook mattress reviews, tips and advice on choosing a mattress for you and your family, please visit now.

Added: February 5, 2010