Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How to Train Your Family to Clean Marble Effectively

To clean the green way, sure is one of the best things that you can do to improve your lifestyle and maintain a healthier, cleaner and safer home. Moreover, you also get to help Mother Earth gain back its balance, beauty and adequacy in terms of its gifts. Just how cruel humankind is to simply enjoy the abundance of the Earth's resources and yet not be able to maintain its safety. The environment greatly suffers from all the abuse and neglect the people had caused. And now, Mother Earth is taking its toll.

Through the going green campaign, better cleaning ideas especially safer or eco-friendly cleaning products have been made possible. Now, you can clean marble, granite and other surfaces at home without any further damage. Long gone are the days of using toxic-based cleaners which are harmful to health and atmosphere. Now, you will be at ease using cleaning products since more and more of them have been made to be toxic-free yet effective by all means.

Any kind of cleaning with the use of harsh cleaners and methods wont be considered effective. But with natural cleaning products, cleaning has never been this harmless, convenient and cost-effective. However, how can you possibly clean marble or granite in the most effective way if your family is not supporting or participating with you? How can you maintain a spotless and germ-free marble floor if your children kept on scratching them with their toys; if your teens keep on dragging down their stuffs against the floor? Or that other members of your family just care less about the welfare of your marble-made stuffs?

Indeed, you can effectively clean marble or remove various stains and the like. But you can't simply maintain its shine and beauty all by yourself. Since prevention is better than cure, you should be able to get the attention of your whole family with regards to proper cleaning and maintenance of your marble stuffs. Train your family members on how to do things so it will be easier and make your cleaning efforts more effective. Here's how:

1. Gather sufficient facts and information

Of course, you have to equip yourself with the kind of information you need with regards to the things they ought to do and how you can all make it effective and convenient. Determine what causes damages, stains and spills to your marble countertops and floors. If the actions of your family inflicted such dilemmas, then get them involved.

2. Plan with Action

Plan your new routines particularly with cleaning. You and the entire household should make a concrete and feasible plan on how to deal with things. Be open and ask for their suggestions too. Not only that you can improve your means of cleaning, you can also improve your lifestyle and family bonding since everybody's interacting.

3. Sort things out

Assign tasks. Designate and create schedule. Just don't forget to make it more enjoyable so the household wont get tired and feel forced. Rotate responsibilities and see to it that each member knows what they do.

4. Enforce a strict compliance

Make sure that the whole household comply and do their duties; not only with marble cleaning but with all the means of cleaning around the house. Be strict especially when you are just starting with the process but don't forget to lay low or let loose once they get the hand of it.

5. Make your whole family understand the essence

The need to go green or clean marble and other stuffs safely and effective should be understood by your whole family. Make known the essence by presenting the benefits and how such change can make their lives better and safer. You should also inculcate the value of becoming eco-friendly and choosing only the natural or organic ones in many ways possible.

Autor: Frank Denim

Only you and your whole family can clean marble effectively and safely. You cant always rely on the use of household cleaners since prevention is always better than cure. Train your family to work hard when it comes to cleaning marble and the essence of going green when cleaning through the use of natural cleaning products.

Added: June 10, 2009