Monday, November 9, 2009

Removing Cat Urine From Concrete - Let's Do It!

If you are a cat owner, one day, you may have to take on the project of removing cat urine from concrete. One would probably think that a cat urinating on concrete or another hard surface is easier to deal with than the cat eliminating on carpet or clothes. The thing with concrete is that it is porous, so the urine goes down deep into the nooks and crannies under the surface. Unlike carpet, you cannot blot the urine out. And unlike clothes, you cannot roll up the concrete and wash it with vinegar in the washing machine. When the concrete gets wet, the cat urine fumes make a reappearance.

Unless you plan to clean the entire area, take a black light to detect and mark all affected areas. Next, take a mixture of equal parts of vinegar and water and pour it over the spot. This is a pretreatment and may help to neutralize some of the urine. Allow this to dry and then rinse with a hose.

The next step involves the use of an enzymatic cleanser. These products may be purchased from any pet store. They may have a couple steps involved in their process. Place a tarp over the area with each application to prevent the product from evaporating before having the chance to penetrate. Follow the directions on the bottle.

Now seal the concrete floor with an oil-based sealant. If you ever plan to tile this area, skip this step. Oil based sealants and paint destroy the bonds in the mortar used for tiling.

Autor: Diana Graylor

It would be great if your cat would use its litter box consistently, huh? Follow for information on solving litter box problems and more on Removing Cat Urine from Concrete.

Added: November 9, 2009