Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Removing Cat Urine Smell - 2 Ways to Do It

Removing the smell of cat urine is necessary if you want a fresh-smelling home. Cat owners all around know that cat urine is one of the strongest odors there is. It is best to catch a spot of urine when it is wet because the odor gets worse when the spot dries. The most common household ingredients for removing cat urine is vinegar and baking soda.

Sometimes the spot can be hard to find. You smell it, but just cannot figure out where it is coming from. If you have this problem it may be wise to invest in a black light. The cat urine will shine a fluorescent green or yellow color.

Once you have tracked down the spot, take a towel and absorb as much of the urine (if the spot is still wet). Take a spray bottle and make a mixture containing 50% of both vinegar and water. You may also add a little bit of dish detergent or liquid hand soap if you wish. Spray the spot completely, and blot it dry. Take it an extra step further by covering the spot with baking soda. Leave the baking soda on the spot for a couple hours. Now vacuum the baking soda and hopefully the smell has disappeared. If not, try this process again.

If the common household products do not work, you may have to buy a commercial enzymatic cleanser. They contain chemicals that degrade the uric acid crystals that are left behind. These products usually have a 2 or 3 step process.

Autor: Diana Graylor

Follow for information on solving litter box problems and more on Removing Cat Urine Smell.

Added: November 11, 2009