Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How to Clean a Stone Fireplace

Stone Fireplace fronts: Before you start to clean your fireplace front, make sure that you lay newspaper or paper towels around the area. There is a very good chance that this will be messy. While cleaning the front, it is very important to start by soaking the stone in an all-purpose cleaner. This will allow the soap to penetrate the soot. Next use a softer brass brush to scrub the soot areas. You may need to add more cleanly as you go along, so a bucket is necessary. Scrub hard, but not hard enough to disturb the grout holding the stones in place. After you have finished scrubbing the soot, rinse and wipe down the area to ensure you do not leave a soapy residue. For tougher stains, it is recommended that you use a stone-cleaning chemical in minimal amounts.

Another method is by vacuuming or sweeping the entire fireplace and surrounding affected area out. It is very important to have the vacuum head about 1/2 inch from surface to avoid scratching. It is recommended to wear old clothes, rubber gloves, a baseball cap, a disposable paper dust mask, and safety goggles during this process, especially when removing any loose particles. Most importantly never start wiping down or rubbing this type of soil off with rags, or a black paste will smear and spread beyond your wildest imagination. Again be sure to place newspapers under affected surfaces during this process so excess soot can fall on it and be disposed of easily.

A third method, the simplest of the three, is to sprinkle salt on the affected area. Allow the salt to sit for at least 15 minutes. The salt will dig deep and losing some of the soot. Finish up this job by vacuuming the area, again with the vacuum head raised to avoid scratching.

Autor: Eddie Paoletti Eddie Paoletti
Level: Platinum
Cleaning Secrets Revealed A Must See!...

Please visit http://www.paolettiscleaners.com/stonefireplace.html to see more cleaning tips.

Added: April 14, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/